Room in Varadero

With bath, terrace

50 meters to beach


Close to the beach in Varadero

Two room (B&B) in Varadero

Price: $35

$35 per night. Two persons pay the same as one. No extra charge for children. We charge an extra fee for stays unter 7 days.

If booking over 15 days please ask for 14+ price (not in December/January).

We quote our offers in Cuban image icon Peso Convertible CUC. While in Cuba, you should make the payment to your hosts in CUC. These are the recent exchange rates of our currency:

29.Mar 13:26: 1.00 CUC = 0.92  

New from 2018: WiFi (5)

WiFi access from your room is available. You should purchase an access card from ETECSA (kiosk around the corner). The cost is approx. $1,00 per hour.

For Singles, Couples or Friends (41)

Couples with a child are welcomed.

Can I get a discount? (239)

Sorry, no. Varadero is strong in demand all year round. Some hotels offer discounts though.

Breakfast optional 5,00 CUC (63)

Plenty of restaurants of all classes, some image icon privately owned paladars have recently opened in Vardero.

Some tips (433)

If you don't take advantage of our airport pick up service you might be lucky to join some experienced tourists who pool together on the arrivals taxi stand.

If you come to Cuba for the first time, please note: bed linen and towels are always included in the private casas.

HolaCuba Reservation

For reservation click on the booking link. HolaCuba ™ is a well known travel portal for Casas Particulares in Cuba serving the tourists from 2001.

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We are your hosts

image icon Merdeces und Frank rent rooms from 2011. Frank works in the office and Mercedes takes care of you, dear Guests.

Our Casa on the Avenida 1ra, ca. 50m to beach (check Video above)